Course Descriptions and Schedules

MCBI: Microbiology and Immunology
MCBI Graduate Catalog

7400. Medical Microbiology and Immunology I (4)
P: BIOC 7301 or equivalent; Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of chair. Basic concepts and principles of immunology, genetics, and virology as they pertain to medical microbiology and medicine. Introduction to cellular and humoral aspects of the immune system and to mechanisms of host resistance to infectious disease. Survey of medically important viruses. Emphasis on biochemical anatomy, mechanisms of pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, and methods of control and prevention of infection. View schedule for Medical Microbiology and Immunology I (pdf)

7401. Medical Microbiology and Immunology II (4)
P: MCBI 7400; Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of chair. Basic principles of medical bacteriology, mycology, and parasitology. Emphasis on mechanisms of pathogenesis, methods of laboratory diagnosis, and methods of control and prevention of diseases caused by these organisms. Content includes anatomy, physiology and genetics of medically important species of bacteria, fungi, animal parasites, and lab exercises. View schedule for Medical Microbiology and Immunology II (pdf)

7410. Molecular Cell Biology (4) Same as ANAT 7202
P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of course director. Foundational cornerstone for students interested in a contemporary research career. Principles of modern molecular biology as applied to study of cell structure and function. Includes fundamentals of molecular and cellular biology of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and techniques used to study these problems. Emphasis on critical analysis of experimental data and experimental basis of current knowledge of cellular processes. View Schedule for Molecular Cell Biology (pdf)

7420. Physiology and Ultra-structure of Microorganisms I (4)
P: MCBI 7400 or consent of instructor. Advanced topics in molecular genetics and biochemical and physical organization of prokaryotic organism. Focuses on relationships of structure to function, growth, and metabolism and genetic mechanisms that regulate these activities in environment. Offered in spring semester of odd-numbered years. View Schedule for Physiology and Ultra-structure of Microorganisms I (pdf)

7430. Cytometric Technologies (3) Same as PATH 7430
Principles, instrumentation and methodologies of cytometry, with emphasis on flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. View Schedule for Cytometric Technologies (pdf)

7440. Advanced Molecular Genetics (4)
P: MCBI 7410 or consent of course director. Detailed, critical presentation of molecular structure-function relationship in stability, dynamics, and expression of genetic information of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. State-of-the-art analytical and synthetic approaches to molecular genetic problems. View Schedule for Advanced Molecular Genetics (pdf)

7450. Immunology (4)
P: MCBI 7400 or consent of course director. Concise presentation of immunology, immunity, and immunopathology. Immunology includes principles of induction and expression of specific immune responses. Immunochemical and cellular principles of immune responses. Immunity includes role of immune reactions in infections and cancer. Immunopathology emphasizes roles of immune system in tissue damage and disease. View Schedule for Immunology (pdf)

7460. Advanced Virology (3)
P: MCBI 7401 or consent of course director. Topics covered include basic viral structure and classification, replication, genetics, pathogenesis, viral vectors, emerging viruses, and antiviral strategies and vaccines. Current and emerging issues in virology covered by reading and discussing most recent scientific literature. View Schedule for Advanced Virology (pdf)

7480. Seminars in Microbiology and Immunology* (1)
May be repeated. May count maximum of 5 s.h. Microbiology and immunology students required to register each fall and spring semester while pre-candidates. P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of course director. Program of formal seminars and student journal club presentations focused on current topics in microbiology and immunology. See Departmental Series and Microbiology & Immunology Forum in Microbiology and ImmunologyView Schedule for Seminars in Microbiology and Immunology (pdf)

7490. Topics in Microbiology and Immunology (1-4)
May be repeated. May count maximum of 5 s.h. P: MCBI 7400 or equivalent; Admission to the Microbiology and Immunology graduate program or consent of chair. Critical presentation of topics of current importance in microbiology and immunology and focusing on a particular subdiscipline, problem, or group of organisms. View Schedule for Topics in Microbiology and Immunology (pdf)

7498. Problems in Microbiology and Immunology* (1-8)
May be repeated. May count maximum of 12 s.h. P: Admission to the Microbiology and Immunology graduate program or consent of chair. Supervised non-dissertation research in microbiology or immunology. For the first two semesters registered, the student ordinarily is assigned to a different faculty preceptor. Two preceptorships will ordinarily be required of each doctoral student.

9000. Dissertation Research* (3-12)
May be repeated. May count maximum of 36 s.h. This course is graded S or U and is not included in meeting the cumulative “B” average required for graduation.

9001. Dissertation: Summer Research (1)
May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting dissertation research may only register for this course during the summer.